CIS Images

1898 Graduating Class

Posed class photo, Class of 1898

Photo ID: US-58


  1. Cornelius, Cora, Oneida
  2. Armstrong, Ralph, Nez Perce
  3. Odell, Nellie, Puyallup
  4. James, Frank, Kaw
  5. Barada, Mitchell, Omaha
  6. Henni, Susie, Pueblo
  7. Blackbear, Joseph, Cheyenne
  8. Butler, Clarence, Coeur d’Alene
  9. Horn, Lottie, Klamath
  10. Sickles, Martha, Oneida
  11. Jamison, Jacob, Seneca
  12. Complainville, Lillian, Nez Perce
  13. Pierce, Edith, Seneca
  14. Morton, Annie, Pueblo
  15. Flynn, Sarah, Assiniboine
  16. McFarland, David, Nez Perce
  17. Moore, Rienzi, Sac and Fox
  18. Peterson, Edward, Elnek
  19. Thomas, Ellen, Chippewa
  20. Sickles, Caleb, Oneida
  21. George, Annie, Cherokee
  22. Kamie Owl, Wahneeta, Cherokee
  23. Webster, John, Oneida
  24. Welch, Wilson, Cherokee



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©2017 Cumberland County Historical Society | Adapted from the Carlisle Indian Industrial School Research Pages of Barbara Landis