CIS Images

1899 Graduating Class

Posed class photo, Class of 1899

Photo ID: 00311A#10


Wheeler, Cora, Seneca
Price, Clara, Sioux
Hazlett, George, Piegan
George, Dahney, Cherokee
Emmett, Robert, Crow
Archiquette, Chauncey, Oneida
Atsye, Seichu, Pueblo
Denomie, Thomas, Chippewa
Wheelock, Dollie, Oneida
Eastman, Christian, Sioux
Finley, Minnie, Caddo
Gardner, Lydia, Cheyenne
Gouge, Joseph, Chippewa
Hazlett, Stuart, Piegan
Catolest, Etta, Cherokee
Horne, Nettie, Klamath
Dye, Bertha, Seneca
Lawyer, Corbett, Nez Perce
Limeaux, John, Chippewa
Buckles, Jeanette, Assiniboine
McDonald, Louis, Ponca
Mitchell, Jonas, Chippewa
Natailish, Vincent, Apache
Moon, Mary, Alaskan
Peters, Edward, Chippewa
Gesis, Anna, Chippewa
Scott, Lettie, Seneca
Larch, Olive, Cherokee
Duverney, Rose, Ottawa
Brown, Jennie, Sioux
Williams, Sarah, Chippewa
Wolfe, George, Cherokee
Kendell, Paul, Alaskan


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©2017 Cumberland County Historical Society | Adapted from the Carlisle Indian Industrial School Research Pages of Barbara Landis