CIS Images

1905 Graduating Class

Posed class photo, Class of 1905

Photo ID: FB04-02-3

The following are not in the picture but are listed as class members:

Osuna, Jose, Porto Rico

Padin, Emiliano, Porto Rico

Rivera, Angela, Porto Rico

Rexach (Ruiz), Manuel, Porto Rico

In the following, class members are identified by number:

1: Bender, Manuel, Washoe

2: Conners, Alice, Iroquois

3: Wilson, Margaret, Shawnee

4: Baker, Joseph, Winnebago

5: Bruce, Ida, Mohawk

6: Charles, Wilson, Oneida

7: Davis, Jesse, Nez Perce

8: George, Anna B., Cherokee

9: George, Mary, Seneca

10: Temple, Rose, Klamath

11: Kadashan, Mary, Alaskan

12: Heater, Alice, Maidu (Digger)

13: Cornelius, Cornelia, Oneida

14: Janese, Adelia, Sioux

15: Johnson, Lillian, Seneca

16: Jacquez, Albert, Pueblo

17: Welch, Florence, Stockbridge

18: Laughlin, Stella, Shawnee

19: Machukay, Martin, Apache

20: Jacques, Delfina, Pueblo

21 Magee, Della, Mission

22: Miller, Hattie, Chippewa

23: Miguel, Patrick, Yuma

24: Johnson, Lucy M., Chippewa

25: Nick, Tossie, Cherokee

28: Pena, Nicholas, Copah

29: Pierce, Bernice, Seneca

31: Knudsen, Rebecca, Sonca

33: Rodriguez, Antonio, Porto Rico

34: Santaella, Maria, Porto Rico

35: Archiquette, Lillian, Oneida

36: Reinkin, Dora, Alaskan

37: Smith, Roxana, Cherokee

38: Stone, Ambrose, Chippewa

39: Tutikoff, Polly, Alaskan

40: Williams, Sarah, Chippewa

41: Blythe, Stella, Cherokee

42: Webster, Levi, Oneida

43: Welch, Bettie, Cherokee


45: White, Agnes,Seneca

46: Williams, Spencer, Seneca




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©2017 Cumberland County Historical Society | Adapted from the Carlisle Indian Industrial School Research Pages of Barbara Landis